Tag: government help

End of Temp Debt Relief – Act now

If you are like the many who have been struggling with debts and were thankful for the relief given by the government. This news is not good (make sure you are sitting down).

All government relief will end on the 1st January 2021. This will mean that debt collectors will begin knocking on the door and chasing you for outstanding debts.

Act now to speak with a Debt Solutions expert to find out what your options are. Doing nothing will not change the situation and you will feel like running a marathon without a finishing line.

It’s time to act and get rid of the stress that debt brings. Armada provide a FREE ASSESSMENT for all people who reach out to Armada. This is for both personal and corporate debts.

Below is the official statement from the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA).

Temporary debt relief measures will be wound back on 1 January 2021

In March 2020, the Australian Government announced a series of changes to bankruptcy law, as part of the wider economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The temporary changes included:

  • an increase in the debt threshold, which enables creditors to apply for a bankruptcy notice
  • an increase to the timeframe for a debtor to respond to a bankruptcy notice
  • an increase to the temporary debt protection period available to debtors.

As of 1 January 2021, those temporary changes will cease. An amendment has also been made to adjust the bankruptcy threshold. This means:

  • the minimum amount of debt that can trigger bankruptcy is $10,000, down from $20,000
  • the amount of time an individual has to respond to a bankruptcy notice is 21 days, reduced from six months
  • temporary debt protection allows for 21 days relief from creditors, instead of six months.

Before the temporary changes were implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the minimum amount of debt that could trigger a bankruptcy was $5,000.

The government has amended the bankruptcy regulations to adjust the threshold for petitioning bankruptcy to $10,000 or more.

– Ends –


What to do? – If this sounds like you or someone you know, speak with a debt solutions expert as soon as you think you may need to get a payday loan. There are many formal and informal debt solutions available to everyone, especially if you are struggling and are feeling that your head is just above water.

THE FINAL WORD – At Armada we are proud of what we do. We are a family business and built on family values. We will give you the honest solution, even if it isn’t what you want to hear. We do that because we know what you are going through and we know how good your life will be after the debt solution is in place.

Armada offer a FREE ASSESSMENT to every client. This is done with NO OBLIGATION. If you want to get a FREE assessment  click here and one of team will be in touch for a chat. It’s that simple.

Payday Lenders Debts – what can I do?

In the office we have recently spoken to many potential clients who are reluctant to go into a debt solutions as they feel a duty to ‘do the right thing’ by their creditors (people they owe money to).

The Armada team spend a lot of time trying to make our clients understand that the most important person in debt issues is you and your family, not the creditor. We know that if you could afford to pay the debt off, you would. However now more than ever, situations have changed. Jobs have been lost, we have gone into recession and Australia has changed. This is not your fault.

The point I want to make is that Payday lenders are big business, no matter how caring they seem. I would like to direct you to the following information that was brought to our attention by Channel 9.

“A pay day lender is in hot water with the corporate regulator after allegedly raking in $78 million in fees from customers.

Cigno Loans allows customers to borrow up to $1000 with most signing up online and being approved within minutes.

But the fees charged are allegedly huge, with some customers claiming they have paid back nearly 1000 per cent on their loans.

Tikyah Amber Boyce borrowed $175. She claims she was told she’d end up paying back around $300. Now she owes more than $1000.

Ms Boyce told A Current Affair she set up automatic payments of $94 a week; but on the fourth transaction they took double.

“I noticed they took $188, which was definitely not the $94 they said they’d be taking out,” she said.

Ms Boyce thought she’d paid back the loan and stopped hearing from the company, until debt collectors started calling three months later saying she now owed $1135.

The huge amount was made up of weekly account keeping fees of $5.95 and $79 default fees.

“I was a bit shocked. Unemployed, living with my family it didn’t cross my mind how I was going to get the money to pay it back,” she said.

Alisha Hayden also used Cigno Loans when her dog was rushed to the vet and she needed cash fast.

She secured a $500 loan thinking she would pay back around $850. She too realised Cigno had taken extra payments.

“I said ‘can someone explain to me what’s going on, I’ve paid back $1200 so far and you’re still taking payments out’,” Ms Hayden said.

She claims the company then told her she owed a further $500 in default and account keeping fees.

When she told the company she wouldn’t be paying it, she claims they made an offer for her to pay just over $200 for the matter to be finalised. 

All up she paid more than $1400 on a $500 loan.

Cigno Loans is no stranger to controversy.

Last year ASIC went after the company, lodging a product intervention order.”

Many people think that these type of loans will be used to pay back debts by consolidating their debts into one affordable payment. The problem is that it turns into not being AFFORDABLE very quickly, which is where the problems starts.  Another thing, which all debt solutions experts know, is that if you have a payday lender (Short term / High interest) loan, most big bank lenders will not offer you finance.

What to do? – If this sounds like you or someone you know, speak with a debt solutions expert as soon as you think you may need to get a payday loan. There are many formal and informal debt solutions available to everyone, especially if you are struggling and are feeling that your head is just above water.

THE FINAL WORD – At Armada we are proud of what we do. We are a family business and built on family values. We will give you the honest solution, even if it isn’t what you want to hear. We do that because we know what you are going through and we know how good your life will be after the debt solution is in place.

Armada offer a FREE ASSESSMENT to every client. This is done with NO OBLIGATION. If you want to get a FREE assessment  click here and one of team will be in touch for a chat. It’s that simple.

Small Business Restructuring – In a nutshell

The Morrison Government will undertake the most significant reforms to Australia’s insolvency framework in 30 years as part of our economic recovery plan to keep businesses in business and Australians in jobs.

The reforms, which draw on key features from Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code in the United States, will help more small businesses restructure and survive the economic impact of COVID-19. As the economy continues to recover, it will be critical that distressed businesses have the necessary flexibility to either restructure or to wind down their operations in an orderly manner.

Key elements of the reforms include:

  • The introduction of a new debt restructuring process for incorporated businesses with liabilities of less than $1 million, drawing on some key features of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy model in the United States.

This means: If you have debts less than $1million you are eligible to enter into this new insolvency structure.

  • Moving from a rigid one-size-fits-all “creditor in possession” model to a more flexible “debtor in possession” model which will allow eligible small businesses to restructure their existing debts while remaining in control of their business.

This means: As a business owner you will still remain in possession or control of your business while you work with the practitioner to assess and design a possible solution. You can continue to trade, keep the doors open and employee staff.

  • A rapid twenty business day period for the development of a restructuring plan by a small business restructuring practitioner (SBRP), followed by fifteen business days for creditors to vote on the plan.

This means: You will have 20 days from appointing a practitioner to work together on a suitable plan to present back to the people you owe money to (creditors). 

  • A new, simplified liquidation pathway for small businesses to allow faster and lower cost liquidation.


  • Complementary measures to ensure the insolvency sector can respond effectively both in the short and long term to increased demand and to meet the needs of small business.

The reforms will cover around 76 % of businesses subject to insolvencies today, 98 % of whom who have less than 20 employees.

Together, these measures will reposition our insolvency system to reduce costs for small businesses, reduce the time they spend during the insolvency process, ensure greater economic dynamism, and ultimately help more small businesses get to the other side of the crisis.

On 22 March 2020, the Government announced temporary regulatory measures to help financially distressed businesses get to the other side of COVID-19. On 7 September 2020 the Government announced a further extension of this relief to 31 December 2020.  The new processes will be available for small businesses from 1 January 2021.

Info used provided by the Australian Government.
Final Thought

This reform is brand new and the government are writing the legal framework as we speak. You still need to be confident in making profit over a period of time in order to satisfy your creditors. Armada and their trusted partners can point you in the right direction.

Lots of businesses are struggling because of COVID. You’re not on your own. We’re all not sure what the future holds but this is a positive direction by the government as they try to assist businesses who have stopped or reduced trade because of COVID.

This not a “one size fits all’ solution. You need to be up to date with ATO and employee entitlements to access this specific solution.

This is why you must go to an expert who can assist you in getting everything in place to get the best outcome for you and your business. Armada offer a FREE ASSESSMENT for all enquiries. This way you have nothing lose and everything to gain. Doing nothing in not an option and having an exit strategy and a direction can be the end to the months of worry and sleepless nights.

Armada are here and available to talk. Armada can walk you through a FREE ASSESSMENT to see what is best for you. Just  click here  to learn more and have an Armada team member contact you for a quick chat.


In September, the Government cut back the coronavirus supplement for JobSeeker recipients and others on some government payments.

The $550 coronavirus supplement, which effectively doubles JobSeeker to $1,100 a fortnight, was slashed and other changes are on the way too.

Here’s what you need to know.

The JobSeeker payment is changing

If you’re single with no dependents, you was receiving about $1,115 each fortnight on JobSeeker.

That was made up of the $565-a-fortnight base rate — formerly known as Newstart — and the $550 top-up payment called the coronavirus supplement.

That’s the bit that’s changed.

From mid September, the fortnightly coronavirus supplement was cut from $550 to $250.

This means fortnightly payments for singles to $815 each fortnight, or about $58 a day.

JobSeeker will continue at this rate until the end of the year, but the Government is yet to say what will happen after that.

The change to the coronavirus supplement doesn’t just affect people on JobSeeker either.

Other government payments, including Youth Allowance, Austudy, the Farm Household Allowance, will also fall as the coronavirus supplement drops.

What about means testing and income thresholds?

While your payments are decreasing, the Government is loosening the eligibility for both JobSeeker and Youth Allowance to allow you to earn a little more money without affecting your payments.

The income-free threshold for both payments will increase to $300 per fortnight from September 25, and you’ll lose 60 cents in JobSeeker payments for each dollar you earn above that threshold.

Also changing are asset tests that determine when — and if — you can access JobSeeker.

Asset limits have been reinstated, meaning you won’t be able to access JobSeeker if you have assets worth more than $482,000. If you own a home, that limit drops to $268,000, and the rates are different for couples.

The liquid-assets test have been reinstated for new claims, which will require people with savings greater than $5,499 to wait a set period before receiving payments.

Will my partner’s income affect JobSeeker?

Tweaks have been made to how much money your partner can earn before you’re disqualified from receiving JobSeeker.

Under the new changes, you’ll face a reduction of 27 cents to your payments for every dollar your partner earns above $1,165 a fortnight.

The change will mean that payments will reduce to zero if your partner earns more than $3,086.11 per fortnight.

Are JobSeeker mutual obligations coming back?

The Government is also toughening mutual obligation requirements for people on JobSeeker, meaning from Monday, September 28, you’ll have to search for up to eight jobs each month.

“In economies and marketplaces where there’s good employment, we’ll be seeking people to undertake the search for eight jobs,” Social Services Minister Anne Ruston said.

“We understand there are other parts of our economy that don’t have high levels of employment available.”

Mutual obligations were entirely suspended at the start of the pandemic, but the Government has been gradually requiring people on JobSeeker to search for work.

Jobseekers have been required to search for up to four jobs each month since early August.

The changes to mutual obligations will not apply in Victoria, where they remain suspended.

What about JobKeeper?

The JobKeeper rate also dropped from Monday, September 28.

The payment has been be split into part-time and full-time rates, with the full-time rate falling from $1,500 per fortnight to $1,200.

The part-time rate is $750 per fortnight for workers on less than 20 hours a week before the pandemic began.

Further cuts to the payment will come into effect from the beginning of next year before it is set to end in March.

By political reporter Jordan Hayne (Original ABC Article)

WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS? – I’m struggling with debts

Debt solutions is not a death sentence, but living with debt is. The longer you leave the debt situation, the stress and anxiety increases and could affect mental health. Do something today and speak with an expert.

At Armada we are proud at what we do. We are a family business and built on family values. We will give you the honest solution, even if it isn’t what you want to hear. We do that because we know what you are going through and we know how good your life will be after the debt solution is in place.

Armada offer a FREE ASSESSMENT to every client. This is done with NO OBLIGATION. If you want to get a FREE assessment then just click here.

Do you have a Tax debt? Times are a changing – 2 min read


It has been stated in many publications that the Australian Tax Office (ATO) is currently owed approximately $20 billion –  This is not a typo, that is “billion” with a “B”.

If you have a ATO (Australian Tax Office) debt less than $100k then you may have been advised or you may think that the ATO will not chase you. This unfortunately, does happen and could have massive repercussions to you in the future.

We are either currently in or just getting out of an unprecedented time in COVID and things are changing….fast. The Australian Government have been providing stimulus to the public to try to keep the economy going and keep food on the table.

You would think this has left a massive hole in the government’s budget. in addition, it wouldn’t be hard to think that the government may need to get this money back in some way.

The government must be thinking on ways to get this money back as quick as possible. It may not be a surprise that the quickest way could be via the reported $20 BILLION owed in possible ATO debt (please note that this may be an approx amount and not the actual amount).

During the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) the ATO seemed to be quite easy-going on small outstanding tax debts and encouraged taxpayers and small businesses to enter payment plans to pay off their outstanding tax debt. This is the same for the period we are experiencing via COVID.

The easy-going approach appears to have been taken advantage of by numerous taxpayers and small businesses. Currently, there is legislation in place to protect people who owe tax debt during COVID. This will have a time limit (currently 31st Dec 2020) and It could be expected that the ATO will start a plan to recover outstanding TAX debts when these limits end (Jan 2021). It may prolong the situation but may not necessarily change it. You will still owe the debt and need help and in a way, this could be a good thing. It gives you the time to get the advice you need and be prepared.

Engage with us early so we can help you deal with your debt while it’s still manageable. We have a number of tools and services available to support you to address your bill while it’s still manageable

We’re committed to listening to your situation and helping you get back on track.

What happens if you don’t pay?

If you don’t pay the amounts you owe the ATO on time:

  • The ATO will charge interest on your unpaid amounts
  • The ATO will use any future refunds or credits to repay the amounts you owe
  • The ATO can refer selected debts to external collection agencies for collection on our behalf
  • The ATO can take stronger action if you are unwilling to work with us to address your debt or repeatedly default on agreed payment plans.

Make sure you lodge your activity statements and tax returns on time even if you can’t pay by the due date. You’ll avoid a penalty for failing to lodge on time and we’ll know you’re aware of those obligations.

Stronger action includes:

  • Garnishee notice – The ATO can issue a garnishee notice to a person or business that holds money for you, or may hold money for you in the future. This requires them to pay your money directly to us to reduce your debt. We’ll send a copy of the notice to you.
  • Director penalty notice – The ATO may issue a director penalty notice enabling them to start legal proceedings to recover the penalty.
  • Direction to pay Super Guarantee Charge (SGC) – The ATO can issue employers with a direction to pay outstanding SGC (or estimates of SGC) within a specified period. When an employer receives a direction to pay, they must ensure that they pay the full amount specified in the direction. A failure to comply with the direction is a criminal offence and can result in penalties or imprisonment.

In some cases the ATO may take legal action to recover outstanding tax and super debts. The action we take depends on whether an individual (or sole trader), partnership, trust, superannuation fund or company owes the debt and may include:

  • Claim or summons
  • Bankruptcy notice
  • Creditor’s petition
  • Statutory demand
  • Wind-up action

Winding up is usually used as a last resort by the ATO, with it generally attempting to recover unpaid tax via payment plans, director penalty notices (which makes the director personally responsible for the debt) or garnishee notices first.

However, this seems that it may not be working. The ATO can be a very hard creditor.

In a recent speech, the Commissioner of Taxation, Chris Jordan stated “We are dealing with people who are not doing the right thing or paying the right amount. We will be taking legal action earlier when warranted. This means initiating winding up action where there is evidence of insolvency.”

We have definitely seen increased debt recovery action by the ATO in the last few months. Mostly outstanding debt notices and phone calls. But where these notices and phone calls result in no payment or communication by the taxpayer or small business, the ATO have advised they will proceed to the next step and initiate legal proceedings, which can include winding up.


Please talk to Armada Advisory if you have any outstanding business tax or have been issued a director penalty notice, before the ATO takes action. Acting before the ATO do will provide you with more options for a solution. Act today, not tomorrow. Just be committed to change and Armada can do the rest.

If this is all just to much then speak to an expert.  Armada Advisory have an expert team to listen to your situation and circumstance and work with you to find out what solutions you are eligible for.

Armada conduct a free financial assessment for all people who make contact. Debt solutions are not a one size that fits all, this is why it is important to speak with an expert to understand the potential solutions you could be working towards.

Armada Advisory agents have all been in debt and they understand the struggles you are going through. We’re not a sales engine, we’re here for you. Based on the information give to the Armada agent, you will be presented with suitable solutions.

It is YOUR choice which way to go. Armada’s aim is to take the stress and pressure away with debt consolidation. Armada just need you to be committed to the process, committed to change, they will do the rest.

Click the link to book in with Armada Advisory and get your free assessment and speak with an expert.

Info provided by for this blog:
Armada Advisory – Our opinions are our own and you should provide your own thoughts to information provided
ATO – Australian Tax Office

Are we just embarrassed to deal with our DEBT?

In the current climate, with jobs being reduced and the unemployment rate around 10%. Are we just to proud to admit that we have a debt issue?

The following was an article provided by savings.com.au

The bank conducted two surveys of more than 1,070 Australians aged 18+, and found these debt-laden Aussies have racked up a combined $18.1 billion in debt over last Christmas period alone, at an average of $934 per person.

The research also delved into our attitudes towards debt.

The results show 25% of the population are ignoring their debt altogether because they don’t want to talk about it – a number that increases to 51% for millennials. Are we just use to debt or are we use to the plastic fantastic (Credit Cards, debit cards…etc). Again in the curretn climate, cash is not being used anywhere as frequently than before so do we know or are we aware of what we are spending on a week to week basis?

Aussies are feeling “anxious” (47%) and “embarrassed” (38%) about their debts, with another two-thirds (61%) admitting they’d rather talk about ‘anything else’ than their debts, including relationship troubles (58%).

ING spokesperson David Breen said the stigma attached to loans and debt means Australia as a nation is too embarrassed to discuss finances.

“The research revealed that it can lead to Australians turning to gambling, rather than looking at options like debt consolidation to help manage repayment of their debts,” Mr Breen said.

“We need to get people talking about their debt and workshopping management options, whether that’s opening up to friends, family or a financial advisor.”

THE FINAL WORD – We all make mistakes and get caught out from time to time. This is life. We have to learn from all we have done. Imagine, if you had an opportunity to right a mistake you would. A debt solution is no difference. You will have some consequences due to the solution and that is the lesson being applied. Many powerful people have been bankrupt before and have gone on to be very successful. The best ones that come to mind are Sir Richard Branson (owner of the Virgin brand) Donald Trump (US President) Mike Tyson (Boxer) they have all gone on to become successful after becoming bankrupt.

Debt solutions is not a death sentence, but living with debt is. The longer you leave the debt situation, the stress and anxiety increases and could affect mental health. Do something today and speak with an expert. At Armada we are proud at what we do. We are a family business and built on family values. We will give you the honest solution, even if it isn’t what you want to hear. We do that because we know what you are going through and we know how good your life will be after the debt solution is in place. Armada offer a FREE ASSESSMENT to every client. This is done with NO OBLIGATION. If you want to get a FREE assessment then just click here.

COVID19 – Hardship Provisions for Energy, Water & Rates

On the 9th April the government released a Prime Ministers statement focusing on Energy, Water and Rates. Please read below (this is taken directly from the PM’s statement – health.gov.au).

Will this help you and your family? Armada understand this is a different time where everyone is being affected by this unseen virus. If you are struggling financially then reach out to an Armada expert to assist you. It’s not weak to speak out and ask for help.

Hardship provisions for energy, water and rates

Today, the National Cabinet agreed to a nationally consistent approach to hardship support across the essential services for households and small businesses.

The Commonwealth is already taking action across the energy and telecommunications sectors to scale-up hardship support provided by those industries.

State and territory governments agreed to adopt similar principles for the essential services within their remit, including water utilities and local governments. They will work with the organisations supplying those services to apply the principles to each sector.

The principles will also ensure accessing support for essential services is as simple and easy as possible. They specify that businesses eligible for the JobKeeper payment will automatically be considered to be under ‘financial stress’ for the purposes of accessing hardship arrangements.

These principles, modelled on the Government’s recently released Statement of Expectations for the energy sector, include:

  • Offering flexible payment options to all households and small businesses in financial stress – including small businesses eligible for the JobKeeper Payment;
  • Not disconnecting restricting supply/services to those in financial stress;
  • Deferring debt recovery proceedings and credit default listing;
  • Waiving late fees and interest charges on debt; and
  • Minimising planned outages for critical works, and provide as much notice as possible to assist households and businesses during any outage.

Those who can continue to pay their bills need to keep doing so – this is critical to ensuring the ongoing viability of essential services providers. But we need to ensure an appropriate safety net is in place for those experiencing financial stress.

These are extremely challenging times. It is vital that essential service providers work with governments to deliver the support the Australian people need.

Armada Advisory work in the personal and business insolvency sector, we provide debt solutions to people and business all over Australia.

If you or someone you know is struggling then please get expert advice and contact Armada for a FREE, NO OBLIGATION consultation. We’re here to help during this current crisis.

Click below to get an Armada expert to complete a FREE assessment to understand your options.



© Armada Advisory. All rights reserved.

Armadaadvisory.com.au provides credit assistance and services to consumers who are struggling to repay their debts. Armadaadvisory.com.au is Team Castle Pty Ltd T/as Armada Advisory (ABN 76 619 178 773). Armada Advisory only uses Registered Debt Agreement Administrators and Bankruptcy Trustee Practitioners Licenced with the Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA). Armada only provides advice after completing or receiving an initial fact find where the individual(s) concerned meet the criteria for an insolvency solution, therefore, all advice is given in reasonable contemplation of an insolvency appointment. All appointed people are licensed and registered with AFSA.

AFSA manages the application of bankruptcy and personal property securities laws through the delivery of high-quality personal insolvency and trustee, regulation and enforcement, and personal property securities services.

Money Smart – Money Smart is provided by ASIC a Government agency that provides free debt advice; See Guidance Publications